I’m feelin’ it…

Today – for the first time – I’m feelin’ it. My brain is starting to blog. I love when I’m going through my day, and my brain just starts blogging. Haven’t felt that in a while, but it feels fun. There’s definitely the customary sputtering, billowing smoke, and hiccups of starting cold, but there’s also warm anticipation blowing out of the vents as I sit frozen and shivering in the driver’s seat.

So, I have a few posts in the backseat that I hope to deliver real soon. Until then, I’m posting my January article from SHE Magazine.

Good times…

Small towns can often offer intimate Christmas opportunities with charm and character that a larger locale can’t necessarily pull off: an entire community gathered around the courthouse singing Christmas songs, watching Mrs. Frances Foster’s dress catch ablaze from standing too closely to the candled sandbags, the elated sigh heaved in unison when the odd-shaped magnolia in the town square is lit with thousands of chunky Christmas lights, the youth hayrides into the depths of the boondocks, caroling at nursing homes, rambunctious little Christmas gatherings where restraint is thrown to the winter’s wind.

The options for a small town New Year’s, however, can sometimes frustrate even the most creative merrymaker – especially when she is an adolescent – too young to go anywhere out of town, too old to stay at home and enjoy Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve with her parents.
Such was the case for the start of 1991. As high school seniors, my friends and I knew that 1991 would bring our long-awaited emancipation; therefore, its arrival had to be heralded in a most decadent fashion. Unfortunately, Marion, South Carolina, was running short on decadence that year, so we put our dangerously imaginative minds together to scare up some New Year’s Eve mischief.

The night began innocuously enough, as I remember it. There were about five or six of us in two cars. We probably convened at a particular Park Avenue address, as was our custom, and sat around staring at each other until someone suggested that we ride around and snoop out some trouble, and snoop out some trouble we did. We decided to embark on an all-out party search.
Coming up short in Marion, we – being the creatively mischievous type – decided to road trip to the party community of Nichols. Okay, so maybe we were creative but not all that in touch with the Pee Dee social scene. After the thirty-minute drive, we were in luck. There was a party in progress, but 1) we were from Marion; 2) we maybe knew two people there; 3) we weren’t invited. To be quite honest, the party crowd wasn’t especially happy to see us.

After an awkward twenty or so minute stay, the partiers declared that it was time to shoot some fireworks as the New Year neared. Armed with bottle rockets, the fellows around us enlivened the night with their explosives. Smoke, bright sparks of fire, screeching and popping, and an acrid, burnt smell filled the air as the fireworks exploded just a little too close for comfort. We began to sense that our welcome had been overstayed, so we darted for the cars and sped away on the muddy, hole-riddled road.

The New Year would be upon us in a matter of minutes as we emerged from the woods in the heart of nowhere. We pulled off on the roadside and began our own private celebration. The windshield wipers were slapping; the horns were sounding, “Auld Lang Syne” blared from the car radios as we danced under the stars on an unlined country road. Apparently our merrymaking disrupted the restful slumber of a nearby inhabitant of this nowhere because in a matter of minutes a state trooper turned down the desolate thoroughfare to investigate the ruckus. He politely informed us of the complaint that had been called in and sent us on our merry way.

Not ready to end our observance of the birth of 1991, our band of conspirators returned to Marion for further entertainment (having had our fill of Nichols). After some brainstorming and a late-night cigar purchase at the Sav-Way, we slowly drove around the town square and parked the vehicles behind the town Christmas tree. We exited the cars and quietly and casually approached the tree. One by one we disappeared into a small opening in the back and perched ourselves on limbs of varying heights. Once settled, the cigars were distributed, and we all lit up. Inside the tree, we could watch Main Street, which was pretty quiet at this time in the morning. We could all see each other very well as the interior of the tree was illuminated by its many strands of lights. We puffed and talked, puffed and talked, tickled with our own ingenuity. That was, of course, until a puzzled police officer stood at the base of the tree, looking up in bewilderment. He stated that he had been making his rounds, checking the downtown stores to make sure they were locked. As he moved closer and closer to the courthouse, he thought he heard voices coming from somewhere nearby, but he never saw anyone. Much to his consternation, he began to sense that the chatter was coming from the tree. Hesitantly, he approached. So there he stood, instructing us to remove ourselves from our perches.

We had a better idea yet.

“Why don’t you climb up here with us?” cried we. Although probably tempted by sheer amusement, he was steadfast in his resolve and coaxed us from the tree.

After a brush with death from the bottle rocket bombardment and two encounters with the law, I must say that I have been hard-pressed to enjoy a New Year’s Eve nearly as much as this one.
I loved growing up in Marion!

Week in Review (a lil’ in advance)

Okay, I am one who is paralyzed by daunting tasks. When a project grows to mammoth proportions I am not one skilled in breaking it into small steps. I hide. I nap. I stress. I take a hot bath. I eat very decadent things in monster servings!

I am not one who eats an elephant one bite at a time. I curl up over the HVAC vent on the floor with a blanket trapping all of the warmness around me and drift off to elephant-free places. And I will do that until the elephant is standing over me, threatening to snuff me out in one gulp. And it is only then that I can unhinge my jaws enough to take him down all at once.

If I do not have time to clean my whole house, I tend to clean nothing. If I don’t have thirty minutes to call someone, I won’t call at all. And you guessed it, if I don’t have an hour to blog, then I won’t blog at all. So that’s where I’ve been. So prepare yourself as I unhinge and devour a week of blogging in one post:

Monday: Our fav-o-right plumber paid us a call to check on a leak in our guest bath. We happened to be eating dinner as he was finishing, and he stepped into the kitchen to announce, “Well, I found the problem; it is the seal.”

Campbell chews on that with her green beans. Then she turns to me and asked, “How did a seal get in here?” 🙂

Tuesday: I ran at the gym and listened to a great sermon. Totally think podcasts are better for longer workouts than music. They totally take your mind to a different place, so you’re not so focused on how long you’ve been going. And in the end, you walk away having gotten a spiritual and physical workout. Can’t beat that for efficiency! And I definitely recommend this sermon by Matthew Barnett from the Dream Center in LA. It is serious stuff, but there was one part where I started laughing so hard that I had to stop the machine I was on, and just crack up. I’ve never done that before (it was the prayer he memorized in Bible college). Check it out!

Wednesday: I just kinda vacantly pondered why I am so drawn to tragic works of art. The Bell Jar. Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Love Story (1970 movie). “Mother to Son.” I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. And anything by Nicholas Sparks, for Pete’s sake! I think it is a testament to an artist’s craft if he can make me cry. I think it is so difficult to capture the depth of pain in a song or a poem or a movie. Cheaply done, it can come off seeming quite hokey. Anybody else out there a connoisseur of tragedy? I found this facet of my interests a little disturbing as I am generally a joyful person, I think.

Thursday: Tonight was Trick-or-Treat for my mom. Apparently, in my own confusion, I mentioned to her about coming over to trick-or-treat on Thursday (she always goes with us and wears a costume too – yes, she is the bomb!). She took off the afternoon to get her costume ready and drove over for T-o-T. She just trusted that I knew what I was talking about – big mistake. I felt so so so so so crummy! Like she said in her good-natured Grammy way, it was Trick-or-Treat; the trick was just on her 🙁 I am so scattered…

Friday: I love costumes!!! Dance costumes. Halloween costumes. Themed-party costumes. Love ’em. What are you and/or your lil’ ones dressing up as this year? If you’re not dressing up, what would your costume be if you were? Really considering a New Year’s Eve costume party…

Saturday: Checkin’ out this and this! Let’s go nuts!

Sunday: You know where to find me. McNair Science Building @ FMU @ 10:30! NewSpring Florence gathering together once again…

C’mon and hit me with your best shot…

You totally hate me right now because you are going to be singing that all day! C’mon, at least it isn’t as bad as the recommendation from my last post 🙂

I’ve been thinking. Some of my favorite posts over the summer have come from your emails, comments, and questions. Whatcha got for me? Shoot me an email (secawthon@yahoo.com) with a question, a series topic, etc… I don’t make any promises, but I will give due consideration to anything you send my way. I ain’t skerred…

Hit me.

Over and out, good buddy!

It is almost finished.

I have worked the plan, and every i is dotted and every t crossed. I just needed another week to actually reach the ultimate goal, which was no stress at the last minute. And I cringe to even admit that I don’t have my bag packed at this late hour, and we arise at 3:30 in the am. Ouch! That one’s gonna hurt. So we’re off, and I’m signing out of the blogosphere for a little better than a week. See you back here – same time, same station. Until then, I’ll leave you with some total randomness…

  • I-pod’s chargin’ – have fallen in love with John Mayer’s Room for Squares; it’s old (2001) and about young singles falling in and out of love in the city – so I totally cannot identify with the content, but great music is great music. Anybody lovin’ another album by him (or anybody else for that matter) that I might like?
  • We had a funny family conversation on Sunday about the fact that Campbell, our 3 year-old, belligerently yells out, “Nobody!” when she gets ticked. She speaks in full sentences, so it’s amusingly odd that she yells out this seemingly nonsensical word when she’s about to blow a fuse. When she gets sent to her room to have a three year-old fit (anybody feelin’ me here?), she screams, “Nobody!” I never really noticed it as a habit until Sunday. It’s more like “Nobody” better come in here and mess with me than it is “Nobody” loves me. It’s our new favorite family word.
  • Carson is always trying to make up jokes. My sister is ten years younger than I am, so I remember it use to get under my skin as a sixteen year-old for her to say the lamest things in an effort to make up a joke. But I think it’s pretty cute with Carson; she is so downcast when I tell her one is really not funny (she always asks) and she gets elated when I laugh. It’s interesting to watch her try to get the hang of this humor thing. Last night through the bathroom door, she yells, “Knock, knock!” Who’s there? “NOBODY!” Which I thought was pretty great!
  • If you’re new to these parts and totally bored out of your gourd, here are some links to some earlier posts that I most enjoyed writing: Turn on the Music, Crumbs under the Cushions,Numb3ers,Reflection,and Date Night.

Have a great week!

Over and out…

Word Nerds Unite!

This post is in honor of this year’s American Idol (self-proclaimed Word Nerd – David Cook) and those parents who – like myself – have gotten a little too partial to Quizzy’s Word Challenge on Webkinz World to claim that they do it for their kids. So here’s a shout out to all my fellow word nerds out there…

I want to kinda rob and modify an idea from Tony Morgan’s session on blogging at Unleash. He gave all the participants in the session a word (flamboyant) to use in their blogs in the couple of days following the conference; everyone who used the word in a post was to send him a link for him to judge who used it most creatively.

So to completely torture myself and you, I am going to put some of my favorite words to good (and perhaps comical) use in some of my next posts. Your job is to hold me accountable, and if you want to join in the nerdy fun, leave me a comment using one of the words, include some of the words in your own blog posts, and/or comment with some of your own favorite words that we can add to the mix. If you are a blogger and you’re not on my blogroll, plug your blog here so we can come check out your wordsmithery (do I get extra credit for makin’ up a word?).

Here goes…

  • taciturn
  • loquacious
  • stellar
  • bombastic
  • placid
  • gingerly
  • delectable
  • pensive
  • proclivity
  • adept

Dictionary.com is one of my new discoveries if you’re lookin’ for some online assistance.

Let the fun begin…