
I know. That’s a scary word, but I am one. I told you that in my last post, but here is further proof…

I am learning to use the air conditioner in my car. Seriously. Either the air conditioner is set on the coldest temperature and the most powerful air blowing setting or it is off. You see where I’m going with this?

I turn the air on highest and coldest and then I get cold (and I abhor being cold) so I turn it off. My husband, like any normal human being, continually adjusts the temperature and the air flow to achieve a comfortable climate. I go from sweltering to comfortable to frigid to comfortable to sweltering all over again. This cycle can be repeated innumerable times in hopes of enjoying the fleeting perfect temperature every so often.

That’s just dumb!

So – after Chris pointed out (in a most gentle and loving way) how asinine that was – I became intrigued by the whole concept of manually regulating the temperature in my car. I had honestly not ever considered such manipulation of the air controls. I am now reticently wading in to the waters of climate control on the hunt for the ever elusive perfect temperature, not stuffy – not arctic.

For an extremist like me, that’s progress, my friends…

Buckle up, baby!

Sorry for the most depressing post last time, but whoa! thank you for your prayers! It’s a little weird hanging out your heart for everybody to see, and I’ve even questioned whether I should have put it out there. But you soooo blessed me with your love, and I am so thankful for you!! I am glad I shared – even if it was a little uncomfortable. The situation is better a hundred-fold since Monday, so you rock…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The NewSpring meeting was tonight!!! We’re taking a bus trip up to a service in Anderson and to check out the Greenville campus on July 27. Get on the bus!!! I was ready to jump on the bus tonight, baby! We’re also having a launch team meeting on August 3. Strap me in ’cause I am ready to go.

You really don’t have to stop reading my blog because you think I am bipolar. I’m not really. Given to extremes – I’ll give you that.

It has been a rollercoaster week, for sure. But you know, my low and my high can happen in the same five-day time period because my God is constant and faithful. My circumstances change, but He does not. He hears my cries, and the peace and patience and hope He poured out over the church start process that has been two years now is the same peace and patience and hope He is issuing in this other situation. His goodness is always sweet, even in the bitterest of places…

And sometimes I wonder if I come across as too preachy or in-your-face or try to ram God down your throat, but I can’t not tell how He changes my life everyday.

My goal is always to shoot straight with you, and He is straight-up the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The Process of Processin’

So…. (sigh), there are some days when life throws something at you that knocks the wind out of you. Monday was one of those days for me. Caught me so off guard that I was blank. In the eternity that transpired before I could catch my next breath, I stood in a vacuum. There was nothing going on in my head, nothing going on in my heart – not one thought, not one emotion. I did not know what to say or think or feel or do or pray. I did not cry; I just stared vacantly.

And then I began to thaw and my brain started clickin’ out questions; it was still a while later that my heart began to spew out a buffet of emotions: angry, sad, worried, afraid, and then angry again. And then sad again. A Lazy Susan of feelings served up in rapid succession.

And then I got on my face and sought Truth over the issue and wept.

And then I scurried. I got busy being busy. I’m a fairly frequent runner, so I outran my thoughts and feelings and questions and worries for the rest of the day. Best workout I’ve had in a while. There was a grey blur of emotional “stuff” that followed in close behind as I zigzagged through my day. Bobbing and weaving and running, and I have to say that they never caught me. I scurried from one random activity to another just keepin’ the lead. Frantic but out in front of the pack.

There was a fatal flaw in my plan; I eventually had to stop – late that night. Exhausted. As I finally lay down around 1:30 am, they caught me and attacked viciously. My eyes would not close; my soul would not settle; my mind would not stop. I slept little.

Yesterday I moved slower in a healthier state of processing. I marinated in it all day and continually sought Help.

Today I am digesting.

May I ambiguously ask for your prayers? He knows where they need to be applied.

Beside Myself…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am about to jump out of my skin this morning! Please reread this post from a while ago before you continue reading; it has some background stuff that you need to know…

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The wait is truly almost over! NewSpring Florence is having its first informational meeting this Thursday night – July 17- at 6:30 at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) building at Francis Marion University. If you live anywhere in the Pee Dee and have interest in checking out this new fellowship coming to Flotown, please make plans to be there (no childcare available for this meeting). You can also check out the church website (check out the old site while the new one is under construction) for more info.

My family and I are beyond excited to finally be a part of the church family we feel God has had in mind for us for a long time (technically before the beginning of time, but you know what I mean…). We are living in anticipation of what God is going to do in this area through this body of believers, and we are praying for such a mind-blowing move of God through the Church (big C) that the Pee Dee is changed in a very good way. Praying for unity. Praying for a singular focus. Praying that the name of Jesus will be made famous in this place.

Humbled to even be allowed to see what He is about to do…


I have a favorite sound at the gym; it’s the sound of two runners pounding it out on the treadmill to the same pace and rhythm – particularly if I am one of the runners. I have encountered a fitness phenomenon this summer that delights me when it happens.

On two separate occasions this summer I’ve been on a treadmill and a stranger has taken up post at the machine beside me; there’s nothing unusual about that but they both ran pretty good distances at a pace I could keep. In both instances we eventually got into the same step, and it was exhilarating. I felt like I could hammer it out all day in step with my neighbor, and I was able to run my longest distances of the summer on those two days. Today the guy next to me stopped eleven minutes before I was set to be done, and I wanted to turn to him and shout, “What do you think you’re doing? Don’t you quit on me now. Move it, buddy; we ain’t done yet.” But I resisted – although it would have been too funny.

I’m sure there’s application here. Is there somebody in your life who inspires you just by their proximity and their activity? Is there somebody who pushes you as they push themselves to do more, to last longer, to finish well? And I’m not speaking to comparison. When I compare my appearance or my workout to others at the gym, I am quickly discouraged and disheartened. And I’m not just talking about fitness. I’m talking about people who inspire you to be a better you because they are authentic and doing their thing in a way that challenges you.

My observation: It’s easier to pound it out and push ourselves in the company of others who are doing the same; I happen to believe the converse of that is true as well…