Props to Pastor P

Tonight I have to shamelessly plug Perry Noble’s last two sermons. For those who may not know, Perry is the senior pastor at NewSpring Church, and he is preaching a series entitled Sex, Money, & Power: The Man Series. You can watch the services online, and I absolutely recommend that you and your beloved take in these two together.

I watched “Body Language” Saturday night, and it was frighteningly enlightening. The message deals with the sexual temptations that all men face, and I think for the most part that we as women are totally clueless about this struggle in the lives of our husbands. And we probably prefer not to even go there, but I think it’s healthy and necessary to understand our men better and to understand how to pray for them and to better understand how to protect our marriages.

I listened to “What She Really Wants You to Know About Sex” today at the gym. Title is pretty self explanatory. Yep, I thought that would keep me interested while I exercised. It did not disappoint. Pastor P called it right; I agreed with 100% of what he said. I have attempted to communicate many of his points to Chris over the course of our ten year marriage, but I could have never packaged it as precisely and concisely as he did. Kinda freaky that he did it so well.

Take me up on the suggestion; you won’t be sorry you did. And if you can’t watch them together, watch them alone – but watch them! Very good stuff… Very funny stuff… Very practical stuff…

Play that funky music…

I think my runnin’ playlist is a work of art. I love tinkering with the order, adding new material, etc… I truly think I am the sculptor of the playlist – taking away from, reshaping, you get the metaphor. And I realize the beauty of it probably rests with the creator. I also realize that this list may tell more about me than I should be willing to share.

Some of my runnin’ playlist faves (in no certain order)

  1. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic – The Police
  2. Blinded by the Light – Manfred Mann’s Earth Band (Mark Chapman, the musical genius that he is, got me hooked on this one one Sunday night when we were discussing Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus – no lie!)
  3. Let My Love Open the Door – Pete Townshend (also a Chapman special – he put it on a worship cd he made for us – how clever is he?)
  4. Rich Girl – Hall & Oates
  5. Sir Duke – Stevie Wonder
  6. Boogie Shoes – KC and the Sunshine Band
  7. The Rubberband Man – The Spinners
  8. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
  9. Black Horse and the Cherry Tree – KT Tunstall
  10. Come and Get Your Love – Redbone

I get excited to run just so I can listen to my tunes. So whatcha got for me? I would love, love, love any suggestions! This thing is always a work in progress.

Oh yeah, FYI – in my low-key listening time I love stuff by Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, and Amy Winehouse.

Play that funky music, white girl!! ( I am totally adding that song tomorrow…)

What It Means When a Blogger Doesn’t Blog

This whole blogging world is so fascinating to me, especially now that I blog. It allows us to creep into somebody’s day, brain, or heart and hear things we ordinarily wouldn’t. Erika is one of my closest friends, and I see and speak with her several times in a week, but I read her blog every night to see what she’s up to and to gauge how she’s doing. But what does it mean when a blogger doesn’t blog?

Several times Chris has said to me, “Billy Joe Bob hasn’t blogged in a few days. I hope everything is going okay.” Or while he’s out of town he reads my blog and comments, “I saw you didn’t blog last night.” As if to say, “What’s really going on at home?”

It may mean any number of things. She’s incredibly swamped. He’s out of town. She’s under the weather. He’s totally stressed about work. She’s melting down. He’s exhausted. She’s feeling very overwhelmed. He’s blank on creativity.

Last week I took a blogging sabbatical to write three articles for She (I was incredibly swamped). Last night I didn’t blog because I honestly sat in a chair in the living room for thirty minutes trying to think of something to write (I was blank on creativity). Nothing came. I just think it’s an interesting new measure on those we keep up with – even if we don’t know them personally. My bet is that if someone doesn’t blog for a few days he or she could use some prayer. Just an observation from my own short blogging history, so let’s step up to bat in our prayer lives for those whose absence of words may speak louder than the ones they type.

And if I’m wrong, there’s never any harm in going to the Father on behalf of a friend.


Like yours, my life is noisy. Carson got a singing Hannah Montana doll and card and a singing Ariel card for her birthday, so she and Campbell were well armed with noisemakers as we left Savannah earlier today. I did step up as the party pooper and nixed all of the plans for a very Hannah Montana ride home.

But before we left, the girls went to the store and to see the ducks with Granddaddy and Gran-Gran. I was upstairs gathering our things when I noticed it. Everything was still and quiet. No appliances whirring. No birds chirping. Silence. And I just sat down for a few minutes to listen. Not to think – just to listen.

There’s something about experiencing God in absolute silence. I experience Him differently when I am singing my heart out in praise than when I am surrounded by the beauty of Creation than when I am in silence. Not that He changes; I am just drawn to different aspects of His character in different settings. During my own “getting my worship on” sessions I am overtaken by His soveriegnty, His omnipotence, His goodness, His grace, His forgiveness. The evidence of God in nature leaves me filled with wonder, amazed at His attention to detail, His creativity, His perfection, His beauty. I am awestruck as I notice the growth of spring, peer up at the mountains, or stare endlessly over the ocean from the shore.

But silence speaks to me of His comfort, His peace, His companionship. And I just feel like I don’t have to do anything or say anything or try to hear anything from Him. Just be with Him. It’s exactly like riding in the car with Chris, being glad to be with him, enjoying his presence, and feeling perfectly comfortable to be quiet and be together.

Sometimes I try to plan silence, but it’s usually shattered by a dog barking, construction workers sawing, phones ringing, or UPS men buzzing the doorbell. And there are other times when I just become aware of it – like this morning. It was like this sweet, little, perfect gift that I found tucked away out of plain view and was able to keep it all to myself.

Final Exams

I’m back!! And I just had a week that was as close to exam week in college as anything I have experienced in the past decade. With the husband out of town and three articles due, I very easily fell back into “exam week mode,” which I thought was pretty interesting given the amount of time that has passed since that season in my life.

Similarities from the past week and my typical exam week in college:

  • Sleep deprivation – I went to bed anywhere between midnight and 2:00 am. In college, I always saved my serious studying or writing for the wee hours.
  • Total junk eating habits – I was totally eating a meal at midnight and chasing it with my caffeine-laden DP. I’m calling Dr. Collins this week to have my girls’ cholesterol checked; I am sure we clogged at least one artery this past week.
  • Very little exercise – I exercised once this past week, but little to no exercise was my standard all during college – not just exam week.
  • Living on adrenaline in the glazed stare fog – Do you know that feeling? I was so tired and had consumed so much caffeine over the course of days that if I wasn’t studying or writing I just sat in one place, staring straight ahead without blinking. Very freakish, actually! Are you worried for the safety of my children? They’re alive and well – by the grace of God!
  • Disregard for my appearance – Now I use to take this one to the extreme in college, but this time around I just dressed for comfort every day – something that would comfortably accomodate the fact that I was eating full meals at midnight. Ouch!
  • That indescribable feeling when it’s all done: freedom, lightness, giddyness, relief, and a desire to just celebrate good times (come on…).

Differences this time around:

  • I did shower every day, and I did at least wear a different shirt every day, I think. Don’t hold me to that one. In college, I totally embraced the same outfit for pretty much the whole week and honestly took few showers during exams. Waste of time, you know…
  • No naps during the day this time around:(
  • No books to sell at an absolutely ridiculous return at the end of the week in order to treat myself to Taco Bell (Oh, you can only give me $1.50 for this $475 book. Sounds good to me, just get it out of my sight, and I’ll take extra cheese and sauce on that soft taco…, thank you very much!)

Glad to be back. Glad my articles are done. Glad I’m a thirty-four year old wife and mom instead of the crazed, unhealthy, psycho I was in college!